Blog Archive

Going Newsletter-only for a while

Based on a combination of how long it takes me to write my monthly long-form blog posts, and the number of people who end up reading them compared to my short weekly newsletter, I’ve decided to take a break from the blog. I’ll be spending the extra time on a couple of ideas I have…

The Minimum Viable Change

To effectively integrate a data team into a biotech organization, you need to simultaneously build the technical infrastructure that will allow them to work and the organizational infrastructure that will allow them to collaborate. But you can’t do this all at once: You need to slowly but surely nudge things in the right direction with…

Building Consensus in a Biotech Organization

Image by Niek Verlaan from Pixabay In my last few posts, I’ve been exploring how differences in mental models can get in the way of integrating data teams into a biotech organization. It’s been a lot of doom and gloom. But it’s finally time to shift gears and start exploring solutions. So in this post,…

Changing Mental Models

In my last few posts, I’ve been exploring how building shared mental models is key to integrating data teams into biotech organizations, particularly “tech biotechs” that have a significant AI/ML component. I’m working towards a series of posts about specific things you can do to help build these SMMs, but before we get there I…

ML vs Wet Lab: The Great Impedance Mismatch

In my last couple of posts, I discussed how different mental models between digital and wet lab teams cause friction in the flow of information across biotech organizations, particularly for so-called tech biotechs that rely on extensive collaboration between the two. In this post, I will explore how it impacts the second leg of the…

A better ELN won’t solve your problems

In my last post, I argued that a lack of shared mental models is one of the biggest problems facing tech biotechs because it impedes the cycle of information flow between wet lab and digital teams. This time, I want to explore the first branch of that cycle: How data and metadata get from the…


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